Long time no post. I’ve been busy working out what the problem with my ZWO ASI 294MC was. Well, to cut a long story short. I uninstalled all drivers, reinstalled and… tada. Finally it...
The first day of the year was rather successful – finally a clear night. I managed to capture some open star clusters as well besides my main target Messier 42 – the Great Orion...
Summer is over and no need to stay up until the crack of dawn to take some astrophotos. At lest I was able to gather some data on some of the best summer deep...
Well, either the weather was crappy or the moon was out. At the beginning of June I had the opportunity to try out a new toy – the ASI ZWO 294MC Pro. Cooled cameras...
Haven’t had much of a chance to take an awful lot of photos. Galaxy season and the weather was either no good or the the Moon was out. Well, a good time for some...
The weather has not been nice to me since my last post. A bit of astro photography every now and then, but mostly it was clouded. Most sessions were cut short due to clouds...
Well, October is not quite over yet, but when I look at the weather forecast and the fact that we’ll have Full Moon soon, I believe I can already post my October photos. After...
Autumn is back – from my location a perfect time to shoot some interessting bits and pieces in Cassiopeia. Also playing around with the new scope and the Moon. I still have no clue...
A lot has happened since July. Andromeda and the the Triagulum Galaxy are back in town. M31 is spectacular just because of the sheer size of it. Since it is so close to our...
On July 27 we expected to see one of the astronomical highlights for the year: a total lunar eclipse. We were really unlucky with the weather. Two weeks of sunshine and then a thunderstorm...
A couple of nights ago, I had a go for the Veil Nebula in Cygnus. I underestimated the size of the EOS 700D sensor and just went for the Eastern Veil Nebula, also known...
Finally! The first time I tried to capture a lunar ISS transit was about about half a year ago. I pretty much messed it up. Since then we had a couple of transits which...
I have been working on my photoediting workflow. Improved (I think) some of my old images, like the Rosette Nebula and the Horsehead Nebula. Also had a go at the Elephant’s Trunk Nebula, North...
Been really busy with my new setup lately – finally good weather. I tried to make use of the longer exposure times I can achieve thanks to the new mount and autoguiding. Still many...
I was using my old telescope, a Vixen AC 80/1200, to take some photos of the Moon (closeups) and also Jupiter. Well, actually I took videos and used the free tool “Registax” to extract...